Monday, July 05, 2010

Chocolate Glaze Recipe


This is gives a satiny smooth finish to a cake.

It is also a good option as a crumb coat when refrigerated on cake.

This recipe makes 1 1/2 cups.


180g/1 cup semi-sweet cooking chocolate broken into pieces.
120g/1/2 cup unsalted butter.
1tbs liquid glucose (from health food store)


1. Place the choclolate, butter and glucose in a bowl and place in the microwave on medium for 20 seconds. Check the mixture, stir, and then repeat for 20 second periods until the mixture is completely smooth and melted. (if you wish this can be achieved in a double saucepan on the stove).

2. Place the cake on a cooling rack over a tray and then pour the glaze over the middle of the cake. Lift the tray up and move from side to side to distribute the glaze evenly. You can also use a warm spatula to finish.

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