Monday, June 27, 2011


Did you know you can phone through your order for cake decorating supplies and we will have it ready for you to pick up in a jiffy? It is a great service for busy Mum's. Park out the front, run in and grab your supplies (or better still-send hubby down!).

Saturday, June 25, 2011


Monday, June 20, 2011

How to make these Teddy Bear Cookie Pops!

So, my little sister has the cutest little boys who were celebrating their third birthday. The party theme was teddy bears picnic. Those of you who follow us on facebook know the story!

Here is the recipe and instructions by popular demand!



2/3 cup butter

3/4 cup castor sugar

1 tsp baking powder

1/4 tsp salt

1 egg

1 Tbsp milk

1 tsp vanilla extract

2 cups plain flour


  • In a large bowl beat the butter and sugar until light and creamy

  • add baking powder and salt. Beat until combined

  • beat in egg, milk and vanilla

  • stir in flour.

  • wrap in cling wrap and chill for 2 hours.

  • roll out on floured surface and cut out circles

  • insert pop sticks

  • place on baking sheet and return to fridge for 20-30 minutes.

  • bake in over 160-170 degress C for 8-10 minutes until golden

  • Do not move until cool.


you will need:

white fondant to cover cookies

fondant coloured medioum brown

1/4 of the amount you have in brown fondant coloured beige.
small amount black fondant

sugar glue

circle cutters

Oetal cutter/piping tube


sharp knife/scalpel

cooled boiled water and pastry brush

non-toxic black texta

ball tool

paint brush


  • roll out white fondant and cut with circle cutter sized slightly smaller than cookie.

  • brush back of fondant with small amount of water and apply to cookie.

  • roll out brown fondant and cut out round slightly smaller than white.

  • brush with sugar glue and place onto white fondant slightly toward the bottom of the white cirlcle.

  • next cut out small cirlce for the muzzle

  • use the curve of the rose petal (or pipe) to make the smile.

  • make a line coming from the centre of the curve to the top of the round with the knife(scalpel.

  • glue into position.

  • To make the ears roll two small balls of brown fondant and indent with ball tool or keep as balls and glue into position.

  • roll a small piece of black fondant for the nose and glue on to top of muzzle.

  • mark eyes using a non toxic black texta

  • add bows or flowers made from fondant for extra cuteness!!

  • Allow to dry flat for two hours prior to standing up.

I used the same technique for cupcakes and they looked great combined as a display.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011


Here are a couple of tips that will help you achieve great results with your cakes:

1. Always use the best ingredients. Free range eggs, real butter, coverture chocolate and full cream milk are a great start. Where possible I use organic ingredients.

2. Ensure that your eggs and butter are at room temperature.

3. Have all of your ingredients measured out before you start.

4. Always sift your flour and any other dry ingredients as instructed.

5. Take the time to beat your butter and sugar until it is pale and fluffy.

6. Do not over mix when combining wet and dry ingredients.

7. Ensure the tin is properly lined and the batter is in the corners of the tin.

8. Do not put your cake into the oven until it has reached the correct temperature.

9. Most cakes are best baked in the middle of the oven.

10. DO NOT open the door whilst cooking (no matter how tempting!!!).

11. Use a skewer to check if the cake is cooked. It will come out clean.

Happy Baking!!

Friday, June 10, 2011


Lining your tin isn't just about getting the cake out easily. The shape and height of your cake are determined by the tin lining. These are simple but tried and true!

1. trace the base of the tin onto baking paper and cut out.
2. cut out strips for the sides.
3. grease the tin with melted butter. the base and then the sides into the tin. Ensure there are no folds or bubbles.

The base of the cake becomes the top of the cake. If the edges are not even this will effect your finished product.

If you are lining a shaped tin (a number '5' for example) cut a fringe into one edge of the side strips so that they can take the sape of the tin without causing creases. Line the sides first and then the base to avoid the fringe baking into the cake.

Happy Baking!!

Wednesday, June 08, 2011

Great tips for successful baking!

Hi Friends,

We just posted some great cooking tips on our faceook page.

Friday, June 03, 2011


Hi Friends,

Our curent class schedule is now available on the Sweet Deliveries website.

Looking foward to seeing our old friends and making some new ones!